#1 Their ears collect more dirt than you think is possible.

#2 They have a tendency to howl early in the morning when you least expect it.

#3 They will always be suspicious of you, no matter what.

#4 They can interrupt your video game time.

#5 “Jesus man, this is the worst sausage I’ve ever had…”

#6 Gravity always gets them down.

#7 They view the “come” signal as a request that can be ignored, even if treats are involved.

#8 They hate having their nails clipped.

#9 All Basset Hounds are notorious food stealers.

#10 They’re known to destroy…

#11 They know how effective those sad eyes can be to manipulate their owners.

#12 They sometimes prefer the sofa for a long walk.

#13 “The walk is over when I say it’s over.” – Bassets

#14 Nothing is scarier than Basset Hounds running.

#15 Bassets are stubborn to the core…

#16 Whatever you don’t get a Basset Hound. Horrendous dogs!!!