#1 Always stand by your side...

#2 They are so loving, loyal, always there for you.

#3 Because they are freaking awesome...

#4 Brain of a fox, body of sausage, and the heart of a lion.. full of personality and charm

#5 They still your heart and your cuddle with you when you are sick and love to snuggle close in bed.

#6 They are loyal, loving, snuggly, funny, mischievous, easy to train...

#7 Did I mention loving and snuggly?

#8 Because they have the heart of a lion ...The tenacity of a Doberman ...The vocal ability of a Blood Hound…The mental capacity of Einstein

#9 They can read your mind and see ghosts that’s why it seems they’re barking at nothing

#10 The best protector!

#11 Because they made our days more beautiful and full of fun!

#12 Because they have the most adorable truffle-eyed, skinny, long-nosed boop faces!

#13 They each have their own individual personality and you can actually see them using that adorable personality against you to get what they want from you!!!

#14 Devotion and loyalty.