#1 I’d like to go for a walk.

#2 What’s that food you got there?

#3 Let’s go for a car ride!

#4 You look stressed, human.

#5 Oh don’t mind me, I just like watching you eat

#6 I love you.

#7 You shouldn’t have!

#8 I heard you say the vet

#9 I’m just perfectly happy to be spending time with my human

#10 Did I hear you say treat?

#11 I’m ready for dinner.

#12 Just try and say no to these eyes

#13 I’m just going to pretend I don’t understand you

#14 Yes, I’m guilty of something but no, I’m not going to tell you what happened

#15 Please take me for walks

#16 How about a light game of fetch?

#17 Nigh nigh time.

#18 I don’t feel so good.

#19 You smell delicious/weird/bad.

#20 I could sure use a belly rub.